Running Tips: Getting Fit To Train For A Marathon

Fun Runs and various running events are just about everywhere. With the millions of runners worldwide, this activity makes it among the most popular fitness events that anyone can join in. If you are running for the first time, here are some pointers for you:

  • Invest in a fine pair of running shoes that can provide adequate support for your feet and also provide good shock absorption.
  • Dress appropriately according to the weather. Layer running clothes during cold weather and choose apparel that can be peeled off if you get too warm.
  • Keep yourself hydrated by drinking water before, during and after running.
  • If
    you don't exercise on a regular basis, you should start slowly then gradually build momentum to allow your body to adjust to the new demands on your bones and muscles.
  • Even if the initial sessions appear way too easy, follow the training program. Do not be tempt­ed to skip ahead. It will not help you to achieve fitness faster and you'll only increase your risk of injury.
  • Do warm ups and stretches prior to running. Cold muscles are stiff and difficult to move. Five-minutes of brisk walking will warm up the muscles. Then be sure do stretches to help blood cir­culation, range of motion and relax tense muscles.
  • Run at a comfortable pace. The best way to estimate a good pace for training
    is the "talk test." As you run, you should be capable of having a conversation with extra effort, but without losing breath. On the other hand, your pace should not be too easygoing that you can chatter away effortlessly.
  • Run tall. Maintaining good posture while running will help prevent injury to joints and muscles. Your feet must be aimed straight ahead and land directly beneath your hips. Shoulders should be kept square and head erect. Most importantly, stay relaxed while you're doing it.
  • Do not ignore pain because this is your body's way of telling you that you're overdoing your activity for it to catch up and adapt.
  • The key to training is doing it in moderation, regularly, and giving your muscles time to rest.
  • Don't forget to cool down and stretch after running.
  • Keep a training journal to help you see your progress which you may not notice day-after-day. It can also help you discern drills lead­ing to overtraining and injury so you'll be able to avoid them in later.

Article Written By Athena

Freelance writer since 2007 Content Provider Musician Educator Homeschooling WAHM

Last updated on 27-07-2016 4K 0

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