Things To Know About Cats And Children

With regards to pet cats and children, a well-adjusted two-year-old, when presented with a kitten, would typically respond with gentle, loving care that comes from a instinctive desire to protect a helpless, little creature.A child learns this from his surroundings and particularly, his parents.While, on the other hand, a child who is raised in a cruel environment may exhibit unkind or brutal conduct, it is somewhat predictable that he will show little care or regard for a kitten's helplessness; such children shouldn't have one.Typically the nurturing instinct prevails.Each time the child strokes the kitten, the cat's behavior will be rewarded when this love is instantly returned.A mutual understanding will quickly develop between them.

A baby and a kitten are a lot less compatible though.

However, a mature cat would accept the new addition to the family including the beddings that come with the new baby.Because of this, it's not good to permit the family cat to be left alone in the nursery.He will greatly delight in sleeping in the crib near this warm, new life.The problem that turns out isn't that the cat would suck the infant's breath and suffocate him (a myth that originated from misunderstanding) but that in a moment of intense affection, the cat will decide to sleep on the top of the baby, a burden on the baby's delicate body that is unbearable.If the infant is with other family members, the cat may be trained not to jump into the crib or onto your lap while you're carrying or feeding the baby.Cats react well to modest scoldings and quickly learn right from wrong.


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Article Written by Athena

Freelance writer since 2007 Content Provider Musician Educator Homeschooling WAHM

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