Smartphones: Your Portable Office Companion

Smartphones are progressively getting to be a major part of our everyday lives.It’s no longer just a device to stay connected with friends and family, but we also use them for browsing the internet, playing games, and utilizing them as a media hub.Android gadgets can also be used as an alternative to your office space, letting you to make and edit several documents, spreadsheets and presentations.All these can now be done right in the palm of your hand.

Inside the Google Play store, office suites are now more popular.Sure they are a bit pricey investment, but they do have heaps of features that let you produce professional-looking documents.They also serve as an excellent way to do last minute changes to files - particularly useful when you're about to attend an important meeting.

They may not include as much as desktop office suites, but they do have enough to rely on when doing some minor edits.

It's also an easy way to create documents wherever you are in the world.As cloud storage apps rise, a lot of office suites now include quick uploading to the cloud, which means you have access to your files anytime, anywhere.The app that truly illustrates this is the partnership between Google Drive and Docs.Google Drive already has its Docs app built in, providing users the opportunity to create documents, spreadsheets and PowerPoint presentations, prior to having them instantly uploaded to the cloud and their Google Drive account, which is a really neat service.


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© 2012 Athena Goodlight

Article Written by Athena

Freelance writer since 2007 Content Provider Musician Educator Homeschooling WAHM

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