Sausage-stuffing Recipe For Turkey

Some say that the best part of the turkey the stuffing. Here is a recipe that is practically a meal in itself.


* 3 cups of cold mashed potatoes
* 3 pounds of raw sausage meat
* 2 medium onions, diced
* 1/ loaf of day-old bread, finely cubed or hand-crumbled
* ½ cup oatmeal
* 1 tablespoon poultry seasoning
* 2 tablespoons or more of rolled sage
* ½ cup diced carrots
* ½ cup diced celery


Mix ingredients together. (Note: because you do not brown the sausage meat, it is important that potatoes are cool.) The best way to mix the ingredients is still by hand, so roll-up you sleeves and dive in!

If you want easy removal of stuffing after roasting, you can pack the stuffing unto a bag made of cheesecloth, and put the bag into the turkey before roasting.

The stuffing recipe should be the right size to stuff a 16- to 20-pound turkey.

If you have any stuffing leftovers, put it in a plastic bag and store it in the freezer for future use. You can use this to stuff any poultry, pork roasts, or even a boneless leg of lamb with it. You may also try frying up stuffing patties for breakfast or brunch. You could even serve grilled stuffing burgers.


Article Written by Athena

Freelance writer since 2007 Content Provider Musician Educator Homeschooling WAHM

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