Easy Tips To Get Beautiful Feet

Pamper your feet and make them look good using these beauty rituals:

1.To help prevent ingrown toenails, cut or file nails straight across, instead of rounding them at the sides.
2.A pair of Dr.Scholl's pads tucked in your shoes will help you pull through corns and calluses, or a long day of standing or walking.
3.Warm baths work wonders! Dribble a few sprigs of mint in the water to put that spring back in your step.
4.When your feet are dry and cracked, daub them with Vaseline Petroleum Jelly and cover them using old socks for the night.

Feet that have driven you through a tough workout merit a treat.There are excellent foot cream products that would make yours as soft as a baby's.
6.A foot massage having warm lubricating lotion would make you feel like a completely new woman.
7.Shop for shoes at the end of the day, as feet have a tendency to swell in the afternoon.
8.For the ultimate in foot indulgence, give yourself an at-home pedicure; Soak your feet in sudsy water for several minutes, then pat till they are almost dry.Using a pumice stone, rub off any dead or hard skin.Cut your toenails square across and use an emery board to scratch away excess hard skin.Put on cuticle remover and push back your cuticles with an orangewood stick.Knead your feet using body lotion, then clean your nails.Place cotton balls between your toes to separate them.Put on a base coat to your nails and let dry.Apply a coat of polish, allow to dry and apply a second coat and let dry.Lastly, apply a top coat and dry, keeping your toes apart for 15 minutes or so.Wrap the end of an orangewood stick using a piece of cotton dipped in polish remover, and take out excess polish.

Article Written by Athena

Freelance writer since 2007 Content Provider Musician Educator Homeschooling WAHM

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